World Pride and Toronto Pride 2014
Pride 2014 -- This year on Sunday 29 June, it's not just Toronto Pride, but WORLD Pride. People from all over the world will be in Toronto, and Proud Anglicans will be in the parade -- telling all and sundry that there is a welcome for them in the Anglican Church. Please join us!
The parade is going to be large this year, starting at 1:00pm, but Proud Anglicans is fairly far back -- we're group K14, and we are asked to show up in the marshalling area, Bloor St east of Church (in front of St Paul's church) at 2:30pm (best to enter by Ted Rogers Way / Jarvis St). That's 90min after the parade starts, because so many groups will be in it.
We weren't able to afford a bus this year, so all of us will be walking, carrying banners or placards, evangelising, and generally celebrating. For more information,, or phone Chris Ambidge 647 444 4169.
For more photos from recent Pride events, see our (recently updated) photo gallery.
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