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New Brunswick

Lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people can be sure they’ll receive a welcome in many Anglican parish churches across Canada. Here is a list of welcoming parishes in New Brunswick.

Fredericton area

St John's Church, Oromocto
58 Broad Road, Oromocto NB across Broad Road from the Hospital, at the corner of Broad Road and Winnebago St
Sunday morning services at: 8:00 (BCP Eucharist), 10:30 Formation classes (parents and children) and 11:15 (BAS Eucharist)
506 357 8741 | email | website

Saint John area

Parish of Millidgeville, Saint John, NB

  • St John the Baptist
    815 Millidge Ave, Saint John NB
    Sunday services at: 8:30 am Said Holy Eucharist; 10:30 am Sung Mass
    Thursdays: 9:30 am Said Eucharist
    Weekdays: Morning and Evening Prayer 8:15 am and 4:30 pm
    506 633 5055 | email | website

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